Welcome to JR Automation Wellness Portal!

Welcome to JR Automation Wellness Portal!

Reset your Password

Forgot your password? No problem! Just enter your email below that you used when creating the account and we'll send you a password reset link.

If your email address is not up to date or you are having problems resetting your password, please email us at support@fitthumb.com

1.  First time here?  Click on '+Need an account? Create one here.' link to the left.   

2.  Use your Enrollment Code: First 3 letters of your company name + First letter of your first name + First 3 letters of your last name + Date of Birth in “mmddyy” format.
Example: JR Auto employee John Smith born Jan 1, 1983: jrajsmi010183

Once your account has been created you will sign in with the username (email address) and password you created. 

***If you are having issues logging in or setting up your account, please contact Health Plan Advocate at 616-575-0211 x210.  Or email us at: wellness@healthplanadvocate.com